
LEV Testing Responsibilities

As an employer or Responsible Person, it is law that you implement the execution of a thorough examination and test (TExT) of LEV systems on your premises at an interval of no more than 14 months between each test.

  • Note that the testing requirement may be at shorter intervals for LEV systems that control more critical or high-hazard processes.
  • Ensure that the examination is carried out by a competent person whose experience and conduct will be evident by their P601 certification.
  • You must keep documentation of the original design performance and commissioning report so future tests can analysis performance against these reports.
  • If Original design performance is not available then the LEV system will need to be recommissioned.
  • Testing certificate and evidence should be also kept and will help to plan the next LEV testing requirements.
  • DCE OneHub (link) ensures that all your testing and commission documentation can be found all in one place and can be accessed at any time via the cloud based secure data system.
  • If processes and facility lay-outs change then recommissioning is required.
  • For further advice and information contact an occupational hygiene specialist for assistance or you can speak to a member of the DCE technical team.

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