

Machining or cutting any kind of wood, hard or soft, will produce harmful dust and particles.
Released into the atmosphere these hazardous substances can be harmful to a person if inhaled, causing respiratory problems along with irritation to the eyes, nose and skin – some which can be quite serious.
Choosing the right wood working dust extraction system is therefore paramount to protect against these occupational diseases and hazards in a wood working environment.
The wood waste range of dust collectors from Dust Control Environmental (DCE) Limited can handle all joinery application sizes from small joinery workshops, schools and college’s to large timber manufacturers.


Machining or cutting any kind of wood, hard or soft, will produce harmful dust and particles.
Released into the atmosphere these hazardous substances can be harmful to a person if inhaled, causing respiratory problems along with irritation to the eyes, nose and skin – some which can be quite serious.
Choosing the right wood working dust extraction system is therefore paramount to protect against these occupational diseases and hazards in a wood working environment.
The wood waste range of dust collectors from Dust Control Environmental (DCE) Limited can handle all joinery application sizes from small joinery workshops, schools and college’s to large timber manufacturers.

With both negative and positive pressure filtration products available along with drag chain, rotary valve and bin waste collection methods DCE have the perfect filtration solution for your business.

Various filtration cleaning methods are available which include basic shake clean, reverse air regen fans and reverse jet compressed air designed to accommodate any operational hours.

Air volume capacities ranging from 500 to 100,000m3/hr, allowing us to capture wood waste from even the largest timber manufacturing facilities.

At Dust Control Environmental we can design to specifics to encompass all requirements including the ability to offer a system which can reduce energy usage.

For example the cascading fan system of the Envirojet W –series, incorporating the smart monitoring E-performance technology allows fans to be turned on or off or slowed down to only extract what is necessary, where necessary without compromising the extraction velocity.

Airborne substances when mixed with air can also create an explosive atmosphere meaning that any dust collection equipment installed needs to be ATEX rated to protect against the risk of explosion. DCE can provide these options.

Companies are prosecuted for not providing protection to employees from wood dust and shavings as can be seen from this HSE article.

Company director avoids prison over wood dust failures

Explore the range of wood working dust collectors here or speak to an expert to ensure your work facilities remain compliant.


Case Study

Sectors we work in

Food & Beverage
Foundry & Forge
Surface Prep & Fabrication
Brick & Block
Waste Recycling

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