
Improved Onehub Portal launched by Dust Control Environmental

Dust Control Environmental (DCE), market leaders in the design and manufacturer of high performance dust control systems, also offer a comprehensive LEV (Local Exhaust Ventilation) testing, commissioning and maintenance service, providing a convenient one stop shop for all LEV requirements.

Clients, who partner with DCE for LEV testing requirements, automatically gain enrolment to the DCE onehub portal, an additional aftermarket service, provided at no extra charge, for efficient communication of testing details and results.

DCE have recently invested in an upgrade to the onehub portal in accordance with security protocol, ensuring the safety of data at all times. The new improved portal still provides a simple user experience with the assurance that clients can access files easily and securely.

The DCE onehub serves to provide clients with a wealth of data at their fingertips. This includes LEV testing reports, engineer credentials and operating information such as insurance certificates and health & safety accreditations. An action report is included in the after-test documentation, outlining any remedial work which may be required to maintain compliance. Usefully, onehub members will also receive LEV testing date reminders.

Accessed with a simple click of a link, DCE clients find themselves with immediate 24/7 access to information for O&M manuals and HSE inspections etc., making the management of systems and their compliance easier.

Click here to book an LEV test

For information on DCE parts and maintenance packages call 01924 335500 or email sales@dcelimited.com

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